Bring innovative teaching strategies to your classroom with ISTE Certification, two new ISTE books and a podcast to help you reimagine teaching and learning.
Bring innovative teaching strategies to your classroom.
ISTE Certification for Educators is a competency-based, vendor-neutral certification that helps you rethink and redesign learning activities with technology to engage students in real-world, authentic, active learning.
The certification that transforms educator practice!
Get the guide to deepening learning with sketchnoting
Find out how visual note taking can help students retain new material, develop skills to articulate empathy and build connections to larger concepts.
Leverage the power of gameplay to motivate learners
Discover the benefits of gamification and game-based learning, then design learning experiences that motivate, engage and build classroom community!
Podcast: Innovating in under-resourced schools?
Hear how Michael Bonner, teacher, author and speaker, used innovative methods to overcome a foundering 1:1 tablet initiative in a school that lacked leadership continuity and proper tech training.